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Joe Biden Presidential Odds: Biden Given 29% Chance to Win Presidency

The 2024 election is in a dead heat, with the incumbent President trying to tread water amidst rocky press. Can Joe Biden right the ship and get back on track against Donald Trump before November? Let's take a look at where Joe Biden stands on Super Tuesday.
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Joe Biden Presidential Odds: Biden Given 29% Chance to Win Presidency

Joe Biden has taken several hits over the last few months, and his odds for reelection have dropped dramatically. Once considered the front runner as 2024 approached, he has now taken a backseat to Donald Trump during primary season.

Biden has a plethora chances to restore his momentum on Super Tuesday, with 15 states measuring their ballots for the Democratic Primary. Biden has dominated so far, winning every state on the path. However, foreign policy backlash at the southern border and in Gaza has dinged his national approval rating even further.

Can Biden recover to take down Trump and win four more years? Let's take a look at the latest US Presidential odds and see where Biden stands in the race on Super Tuesday.

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2024 Election Odds

Candidate Implied Probability Odds 
Donald Trump 50% +100 
Joe Biden 29.4% +240 
Michelle Obama 10% +900 
Gavin Newsom 5.9% +1600 
Kamala Harris 4.8% +2000 
Robert Kennedy Jr. 3.8% +2500 

Biden has an implied chance of 29% to become the next U.S. President, according to the latest odds out of the UK. He has fallen behind Donald Trump, who leads up at even +100 odds, giving him a 50% chance to retake the White House. Biden has many concerns, including his declining health, that are working against him in the court of public opinion right now.

Many Americans are additionally displeased with Biden's policies, and have lost faith in him to advance the country. There has been outcry over his handling of the Gaza humanitarian crisis, as well as lack of control over immigration and the economy. He has a lower approval rating than Trump ever had in his four years, which is setting off alarm bells and tanking his odds. Biden previously led the field coming into 2024, but Trump's momentum coupled with bad press for the incumbent has flipped the script. Michelle Obama is the third-leading candidate, who some speculate could take over the race in lieu of Biden later this year. She has an outside shot at 10%, but has yet to publicly express interest in running.

2024 Election Betting Percentages

Candidate Percentage of Bets (%) 
Donald Trump 33.13 
Joe Biden 12.75 
Michelle Obama 6.47 
Robert Kennedy Jr. 2.06 
Gavin Newsom 1.95 

Bettors are wary of Biden's mounting issues, and are not placing many wagers on him currently. Trump has nearly triple the tickets placed on him so far at 33% to Biden's 12%, with many bettors wagering their funds on the former president to return to the White House and emerge victorious in November.

Trump is riding a major wave of momentum into Super Tuesday, where he hopes to all but wrap up the Republican nomination. He has won every primary except for Washington D.C. so far, and nearly all candidates have dropped out besides Nikki Haley. Haley doesn't even crack the top five in betting percentage here, as she is just about finished in this face. The third-most tickets after Trump and Biden go to Michelle Obama, who some speculate could be used to replace Joe Biden if he is unable to continue in the race due to health issues.


Peter is a sports writer focused on coverage and analysis of college football and basketball, as well as the NFL and other major sports. A graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, he has been writing sports articles for over 8 years.

After working for ClutchPoints, Peter joined OddsChecker in 2023. He is a New York sports superfan and is fluent in the sports betting industry.


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