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The Match II: Tiger And Manning Favored By Oddsmakers

Oddsmakers are favoring Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning over Tom Brady and Phil Mickelson for May's The Match II
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The first version of The Match, which pitted Tiger Woods against Phil Mickelson in match-play format with millions of dollars on the line in 2018, got a few things right but also left fans with some things to be desired.

Well this time around, for The Match II, Mickelson and Woods are enlisting the help of some friends to spice things up, and it’s impacting the odds.

Mickelson, who won the first matchup in a wedge contest after the 18-hole event finished in a draw, will team up with legendary quarterback Tom Brady to take on Woods and his playing partner, Peyton Manning. Despite his loss the first time around, Tiger and Peyton are still the favorites at -220, while Phil and Brady sit at +175.

The original version of The Match took place the day after Thanksgiving and was supposed to be a pay-per-view event until technical difficulties caused them to give it away for free.

This time, we still don’t know too much. We know it’s going to be played in May, but things like format and venue are still being ironed out. It's far from a Major, but wiith most other live sports on pause it’s sure to draw lots of attention and will be televised on TNT for all to see.

But who is going to win?

According to some reports, Brady plays to about an 8 handicap, and Manning is reported to be anywhere from around a 4 to a 6.

As far as the pros are concerned, neither have been seen on the course in a while, but Tiger finished 2019 ranked No. 6 in the world, while Mickelson wrapped up the year ranked 70th.

Odds are currently available in Pennsylvania over at FanDuel and expected to be made available in New Jersey in the not-so-distant future.

Tiger and Peyton seem like a safe bet on paper, but it’s important to remember that no one has ever gotten rich betting against Tom Brady.


Brian is a sports journalist with close to ten years of experience in the business. A lifelong Philadelphia sports fan with a passion for all things sports gambling.


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