Doncaster Betting Odds

Racing in Doncaster dates back to the 16th century. with the present course on Town Moor used since the 1770s. It hosts jumps & flat, with the highlight being Britain's oldest Classic, the St Leger.

Doncaster race tracks

Doncaster race tracks Next

This is a fair galloping track built most suited to strong gallopers. The long straight can be quite a test and requires a horse to have stamina and courage in abundance. It s almost totally flat apart from a small undulation at Rose Hill by the 10f and round mile starts. There is a straight mile, and the chute also includes 7f, 6f, 5f 140yds and 5f starts. The final classic of the season, the St. Leger, starts more or less in front of the stands just after the turn into the back straight.
Draw bias: The draw bias can be variable. A quirk of the straight track is that over sprint trips (5f and 6f) high draws tend to dominate, but the further the distance the more the low draws come into it, with those drawn low often vastly favoured over a mile. On the round track low draws are generally beneficial for the simple reason that it s a left handed track and those drawn high can struggle to get a position. On heavy ground however, the inside can be slightly slower so those drawn high can sometimes opt to look for the better ground on the outside. It's not an easy track at which to make all the running, and although hold up horses often take the honours it s generally best to sit prominently but not hit the front too soon.

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