Club Hipico Betting Odds

View full pre-race oddsView all odds00:22 - Rey Blanco H.

Rey Blanco H.

1st12 Sakuro SP2nd3 La Ovalle Negrete SP3rd11 Luce Pericoloso SP

Winning Trainer: S Morales

Winning Jockey: C Ortega

Non-Runners: None (All 14 Ran)

View full pre-race oddsView all odds00:52 - Rabietita H.

Rabietita H.

1st5 Ludana 9/12nd8 Bier Trinken 8/153rd4 Encinitas 9/1

Winning Trainer: M Rabajille

Winning Jockey: R Dores

Non-Runners: None (All 13 Ran)

View full pre-race oddsView all odds01:25 - Rabietita H.

Rabietita H.

1st15 El Obrero 6/52nd8 Jouma 13/23rd12 Coconut Coke 18/1

Winning Trainer: A Padovani

Winning Jockey: G Aros

Non-Runners: Best Player (14 Ran)

View full pre-race oddsView all odds01:57 - Resuelto H.

Resuelto H.

1st9 Hoy Si Quiero 9/42nd2 Mo Farah 3/13rd14 Onkel Bruno 25/1

Winning Trainer: A Parra

Winning Jockey: H Ochoa

Non-Runners: None (All 15 Ran)

View full pre-race oddsView all odds02:30 - Rio Bueno H.

Rio Bueno H.

1st1 Sultan Guerrero 14/12nd6 Killer King 8/13rd13 Bienaventuranza 10/1

Winning Trainer: R Montesino

Winning Jockey: J Reyes

Non-Runners: Lider Digital (14 Ran)

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